New Bookstore!

Hey, guys! I apologize for the, you know, half-year absence from my blog. Life has been more than a little nuts. I’ll try to do better this year (ergo, you’ll probably see another post in, oh, about six months).

But I do have some exciting news! There is a brand spankin’ new on-line bookstore with my name all over it! You can get my books signed, personalized, and shipped directly to your doorstep.

Please check it out! Order a book or two…or maybe even a bundle. And know that I’ll be mailing them to you with tons of love!

My Crazy Summer…and an Award or Two :)

So much has happened since my new collections Sweet, Sour, & Spicy and What the Fuck Was That? were released into the wild. Sales of both books have far exceeded my expectations and WTFWT? remained a #1 New Release on Amazon for four straight days!

In convention news, I attended StokerCon in Pittsburgh, PA, Necon in Lowell, MA, and KillerCon in Austin, TX. In the midst of all that, I also took my daughter on a graduation trip to Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Nashville. She visited four new states and three new cities, went indoor skydiving with Jeff Strand, tried all kinds of new foods for the first time (she loves boba tea!), helped us beat a Bigfoot escape room at Netherworld, and toured the Georgia Aquarium with her goofy mom. (For those not in the know, that’s me.)

A few StokerCon photos:

A few Necon photos:

A few “Autumn Trip” Photos:

And finally….KillerCon.

Guys, I won not one, but TWO Bernies! A Bouquet of Viscera won for ‘Best Collection’ and “Jinx” won for ‘Best Short Story.’ Aron Beauregard’s Playground earned the ‘Best Novel’ award, while Daniel Volpe’s Plastic Monsters took the prize for ‘Best Novella.’ Finally, D.W. Hitz and Candace Nola snagged the ‘Best Anthology’ award for Camp Slasher Lake: Volume 1.

Jeff Strand came in first place in the Gross-Out Contest with this history-making “Gross-Out: The Musical.” He played the tambourine, and now my life will never be the same. 🙂 Garrett Cook came in second place with an incredible performance, and I came in third with my very disgusting “fetish nurse” story. R.J. Benetti and John Baltisberger both received well-deserved honorable mentions.

It was an amazing weekend from start to finish and KillerCon firmly established itself as my favorite con. I feel so at home with all the weirdos there, and it really is my family reunion. Without further ado, here are a few photos!

I apologize for the gap in my blogging…I’ve been so insanely busy, I simply haven’t had time. Even now, I should be writing a story that’s due very soon, but I’m doing this instead. Heh.

Hope you’re all having an amazing summer! Take care of yourselves and each other.


My TWO new collections will be here tomorrow!

I’m really excited…they were a true labor of love. Between conventions and travel and my day job as an audiobook proofer and, well, life, I thought I’d never get them finished.

Sweet, Sour, & Spicy was the brainchild of Jeff Strand. I had three stories for a chapbook project that fell through. One was a sweet story I wasn’t sure what to do with (“Bark Off”). Another was so foul, it soured my stomach (“Giggly”), and when I mentioned all this to Jeff, his response was, “Now write a spicy story and call the collection Sweet, Sour, & Spicy.” He’s a really smart fellow. So I went full-blown spicy and out came “Rewards.”

It’s a toss-up between “Giggly” and “Rewards.” I’m not sure which would win for the most extreme story I’ve ever written. But hey, Ed Lee loved them both!

I still had that third chapbook, however…a stalker story titled “Belong.” What to do with it? The rights to two anthology stories had recently reverted back to me (“Getaway” and “Scars”), so I polished them up, added “Belong” to the lineup and What the Fuck Was That? was born. The title was inspired by my love of the Evil Dead musical and my favorite song on the soundtrack.

I really wanted the covers to be fun, quirky, playful…very tongue in cheek. That’s exactly what Lynne Hansen delivered! And just wait until you see the interiors!

Both collections will be available in eBook and paperback editions on June 6th! I hope you’ll enjoy my depravity!

Sweet, Sour, & Spicy

What the Fuck Was That?

5.2.23 Updates

Autumn and I had a mother/daughter day on Monday. We started with a trip to the nail salon, had a delicious Italian lunch (She had chicken parmesan, I had seafood alfredo, and we split Italian donuts with chocolate and raspberry dipping sauce for dessert), we fiercely battled the elements (heavy winds and icy rain), and then ventured to the movie theater and watched Nic Cage get down and dirty in Renfield. It was a perfect day. I may not have everything in my life figured out, but I think I’ve done pretty okay as a parent.

For any of you who’ve checked out this fancy new website, you’ve probably noticed I have two collections coming out very soon! I finished the first one yesterday and sent it off to the editor and beta readers. I have one more story to finish for the second collection, but I’m stuck. It’s giving me fits! Frickin’ story. I’ve also done some preliminary work on my Deadgirl novelization.

Signed a very cool contract last week, but I’m not allowed to blab about that yet.

This weekend I’ll be heading to Indianapolis for Mo*Con, where I get to hang with one of my favorites, Maurice Broaddus. I first met Maurice at Multiverse in Atlanta in 2021 and, well, I found I kind of adore him. And man, does he give good hugs! Unfortunately, traveling means packing, and I haven’t done that yet. Blah.

I hope you’re all having a great week! Feel free to comment and subscribe!

The Writing Career

This writing thing is such a roller coaster. I find myself genuinely stressed by deadlines, but I’m having so much fun (and living the dream!), I don’t even care. After working as an RN for many years, and being a mom for many more, I’ve found I genuinely enjoy exercising this creative part of my brain which was dormant way too long.

Earlier this year, thanks to my debut collection, A Bouquet of Viscera, I became an active HWA member. Two days ago, I received my first professional rate payment for my short story, “Dying River.” I can’t mention what anthology it’s for yet, but trust me, it’s a good one. Yesterday, I received my second pro-rate payment. Again, I’m not certain I’m allowed to blab anything about the anthology, but I had a lot of fun writing my story, “November Eve.”

A few weeks ago, Encyclopocalypse Publications contracted me to write the novelization for the 2008 cult horror film Deadgirl. If you’ve seen the movie, you know the storyline is very much in my niche as a writer. I have so many ideas! The screenwriter, Trent Haaga, told me to “play as much as I want in his sandbox,” so I shall! And I’m damn excited to get dirty!

I guess all this to say…things are going well. New Bridgett books will be dropping soon…I promise!

Evil Dead Rise

Autumn and I went to the very first showing of Evil Dead Rise on opening night. After finally realizing Autumn is as big a horror hound as I am, we’ve watched all sorts of movies together at the theater. Well, horror movies…and Titanic, which Autumn wanted to see on the big screen during its 25th-anniversary run.

We always have fun together, and this was no exception. From the large popcorn with extra butter we barely made a dent in, to all the “ews” we whispered to each other during the movie, it was a memorable night.

And, surprisingly, we both loved the movie. While it had very little of Sam Raimi’s signature humor, the premise worked, and I thought many of the gore scenes were genuinely creative. Though, admittedly, from a mother’s perspective, it was hard to watch. And hey, there was even a character named ‘Bridget!’

Even better, I woke up this morning to find the star of the film, Alyssa Sutherland, had followed me on Twitter. 😉

Let me know what you thought of the movie! Sound off in the comments, and have a great possessed weekend, everyone!


I’m so excited to share with you my brand spankin’ new website – one which I can actually manage the upkeep on myself…hopefully. Many thanks to Lynne Hansen for taking time out of her day to help me get everything set up. It was genuinely appreciated.

So pour yourself a nice, refreshing drink, find a comfy seat, and have a look around. It’s still very much a work in progress, but I’ll get there! 😊

As always, thanks so much for your love and support. I wish I could give you all hugs. 🖤